Thursday, 26 July 2012

Manchester Mini Maker Faire

I will be showing a couple of Mendel90s at the Manchester Mini Maker Faire this weekend, including this taller one made from Dibond.

Richard Gain will be showing his polycarbonate Mendel90 and the RepRapPro Huxley he used to make it.


  1. Does the Mendel90 fold up or does it just look like it does?

  2. No it doesn't fold. If you put a connector in the bed and Y axis wires it would only be four screws to remove the gantry and lay it on top of the base.

  3. It looks really good! Is that 3mm dibond? Would that be stiff enough for the Sturdy Mendel90?

  4. It depends how you define sturdy. 3mm Dibond is stiffer than 6mm Acrylic (and lighter and cheaper) but a lot less stiff than 12mm MDF. The base is reinforced with 10mm aluminium bars that line up with the stays.

  5. How tall is Dibond's Mendel90? I was thinking about doing a 8" or 12" Z on mine.

  6. The Z axis is about 200mm and the height is 386mm.

  7. PTFE tube from extruder - where it goes? is there any device on the another end?

  8. In the picture it was just tie wrapped to the bracket that supports the bearings for the spool to run on. I have just made a couple of clips to hold it.

    No there is no device on the other end. The extruder just pulls the filament through the tube. The tube allows it to turn a corner without tangling and also means when the extruder moves it does not have to pull the filament from the reel or let it go slack when it moves the other way. That stops the filament unwinding from the spool and getting tangled, in theory, I haven't run it with a full spool yet.

    1. I've used the ptfe feed tube for several whole spools and loose coils, it works perfectly.

    2. Good to know thanks. It should do as it is just like Bowden in reverse.

  9. Best of luck at the Maker Faire. Take a few photos for us! I'd love to see it.
    The Mendel90 looks great!

  10. Was great to see both of you and Richard with your Mendel90s at Mini Maker Fair yesterday..
    The filament feeder system is a great new design!
